Sunday, January 01, 2006

King Kong

Hollywood has been facing a glum period so far with most of its movies (including Spielberg’s “War of worlds”) failing at the BO. So one would expect it to come with all its guns firing towards the end of the year when the Christmas fever is at its peak and ultimately it has managed to present the perfect gift for the jovial festival. Peter Jackson is back after the much acclaimed “Lord of the rings” saga and he is back with a bang. Before I stepped into the theater my ideas about the film were

1. It’s going to be an out and out monster movie.
2. A psychotic ape will devastate any thing on it’s way
3. Finally it will go on the top of a 100 feet building, drum it’s chest and eventually the military would enter the scene and kill it.
But after I exited the hall I badly regretted for downgrading this film. There are a lot of genres in cinema like action, comedy, romance, drama, thriller, monster etc. I’m still not able to figure out what category this movie falls into. It seems to have a dose of almost everything. All this credit goes to the ingenious Jackson. He has constructed a fully satisfying 3 hour epic which I had been yearning for a long time from H’wood.
Normally movies with overloaded hype don’t do well but Jackson has disproved this theory by leaps and bounds. His deftness has been proved by making an extraordinary movie with an ordinary plot.

It is the depression period and people are suffering for food and water. Financial troubles put filmmaker Jack Black (don’t know his name in the movie) out of business but his hunger for fame, money and glory doesn’t end. He plans to somehow complete his movie by shooting it in a remote island. He finds his leading lady in Ann (Naomi watts), a comedy play artist and arranges for a ship to travel to the island. He also manages to lure his script writer, James (Adrian brody), into the ship with the scent of money. They finally reach the island and discover it to be an inferno of rotten skeletons and carcasses. But little they know what else is in store for them.

The natives of the island start to attack them but the crew overcomes them with guns and arms. But the islanders somehow get hold of Ann and bait her as a piece of sacrifice to the gigantic ape, King Kong. But Kong develops high emotions for her and takes care of her. He acts as her savior when she is attacked by dinosaurs and other eccentric creatures. Particularly the action scene involving Kong and the two T-Rexes is damn gripping. Meanwhile the other crew members search for Ann and in the process many of them get devoured by the weird beasts present there. At one point they give up but James, who loves Ann, goes on with the search. He finds her and they both manage to escape from Kong (thanks to the bats!!!!). But our ape doesn’t give up and chases them and eventually gets trapped by Black and his men. Black brings Kong to the city and exhibits him as the eight wonder of the world. During the exhibit Kong gets provoked, breaks the chains locking him and enters the streets and there is complete mayhem in the city. He somehow finds Ann, who also has by now developed a friendly relation with the ape and takes her to the top of the Empire State building. The army gets alerted and they attack Kong from all directions even though Ann shouts at them to go away. Unable to withstand the pain of countless bullets piercing his body Kong lets go and falls a 100 feet.

What is so alluring about this movie is that Peter has given a human touch to the ape. All the emotions of anger, jealousy, bravery and even kindness have been imbibed in the ape. The scene in which he plays with Ann by pushing her and then laughing heartily is fascinating. Also the scene where he turns away his face expressing his anger and the end scene where he evokes a feeling of pity and mercy among us are equally good. Another point worth noting is that in the direst situations, there is an element of subtle humor. The scene where jack tries to attract a native child with a chocolate bar bears testimony to this and also the dinosaur chase sequence is equally both thrilling and funny. Jack either leaves us in splits or at least makes us smolder a smile whenever he appears. Baxter, the hero of Jack’s movie is also hilarious.

Graphics are at their best in the movie. I don’t know how they made the island natives look more ghastly than the beasts. The cameraman deserves special mention .the way he is handled the camera when Kong leaps from one place to another and also the swift shifting of the scenes depict great skill and experience. Overall “King Kong” is a 3 hr joy ride and you don’t feel bored even for a second. All this has made me more eager for Peter’s next venture.


Blogger Aravind S said...

There is no mention of the modern king kong at all.Your review cant be complete without it....

4:15 AM  

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